Monday, February 24, 2020

Friendship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Friendship - Essay Example This implies that in virtuous friendships, one must simply appreciate loving others rather than being loved, and always wish the best for others; in that case, Aristotle’s view of virtuous friendship is that it can only be found among a few people of high moral standing. It is evident that not many virtuous friendships exist in real life since it is human nature for people to want things in exchange for friendship, which explains why most friendships do not last even a fortnight. In many cases, friendships arise and survive on the products of the relationship rather than love; implying people are friends as long as the benefits of the relationship last and as soon as there is nothing to gain from friends, friendship is dissolved as quickly as it emerged. In that respect, it is true to say that love only exists in virtuous friendships that are based on the selfless love for others. Human beings are incapable of unity because they often pursue friendship not for the love of others, but for their own selfish gains, particularly because they are generally political creatures by nature. In that case, human friendships are plain and easily dissolvable as soon as there are no gains to be made in them, this is because an individual who only seeks their own personal gains at the expense of their so-called â€Å"friends† is not worth of the title of â€Å"friend†. A friend should be capable of sacrificing themselves for the sake of others, and to always want what is in the best interest of others too, rather than merely pursuing their ends. Unfortunately, this is a highly ambitious ideal, which is rarely achievable in normal circumstances considering the fact that the world is full of scheming individuals always preying on others for their own gains (Sivertsen, 2003). Aristotle acknowledges that indeed most relationships in life are based on love of utili ty and love of pleasure (Pangle 2002), and in that respect, most

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Pediatric Tracheal Tubes Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Pediatric Tracheal Tubes - Research Proposal Example 734; Cox 669; Ho 169; Fine & Borland 38). Problems arose in endotracheal intubation particularly for patients that require long-term ventilatory support. Subglottic stenosis was a rare occurrence before the 1960s when tracheostomy was the generally accepted procedure for long-term ventilatory support. However, when prolonged endotracheal tubes were widely used especially for critical care as well as for neonatal intensive care patients, subglottic stenosis cases increased associated with chronic morbidity and fatality (Weiss et al. 734; Cox 669). Traditionally, uncuffed endotracheal tubes were accepted as the tube of choice for intubtation in children below the age of 8 years in all types or duration recommended. This practice, although widely promoted, is being questioned with the advent of new researches on the equal or better performance of cuffed endotracheal tubes in the specified age group. More studies are warranted to once and for all clear this outdated knowledge to further the science in pediatric anesthesia (Ho et al 169; Fine & Borland 38; Weiss et al. 80). Another important area for study, apart from the design and material of cuffed pediatric endotracheal tubes, are the proper tube size and position and depth markings for the said age group. Not only can the success of usage of cuffed tubes be assessed by answering issues around these properties but also the appropriateness of having health care practitioners other than the physician perform endotracheal intubation (Cox 669; Ho 169; Fine & Borland 38). The objectives of this study are (1) to evaluate the difference between a cuffed and an uncuffed endotracheal tube; (2) to determine the success rate of placement; (3) to evaluate the adverse effects of ETT application to patients below eight years old in the non-emergent, elective surgical, operating room setting; and (4) to assess proper tube size selection and placement by an experienced practitioner (nurse anesthetist with greater than one year experience) and relatively inexperienced practitioner (student nurse anesthetist). The above-mentioned objectives will be used to test the following hypotheses: (1) A cuffed endotracheal tube can have equal or better success rates through proper placement by either nurse practitioner; (2) The supposed adverse effects of cuffed ETT such as subglottic edema can be minimized by proper tube size and placement; (3) The experienced practitioner is capable of proper placement of both types of ETT; and (4) the inexperienced practitioner can have higher success rates and reduced laryngoscopy repetition with the cuffed endotracheal tube. Background Applications of endotracheal tubes include the protection of the airway, maintenance of airway integrity, ventilation through positive pressure, induction of positive and expiration pressure, pulmonary outlet and promotion of sufficient oxygenation. Most surgical procedures require short-term or temporary endotracheal tube usage while critical care interventions generally utilize long-term endotracheal tubes (Weiss et al. 734; Cox 669). Endotracheal intubation for anesthesia in adults was developed as early as the 1920s but appropriate apparatus and technique for children were not yet designed during those years. Even until the 1940s, endotracheal intu